Red Hat Certified Cloud & Service Provider

Container technology, which is being used by more and more companies, will significantly advance the ongoing digitization...
March 23, 2023

Container technology, which is being used by more and more companies, will play a key role in advancing digitization.
It virtualizes applications efficiently, is quickly ready for use and offers a high security standard. The containers significantly increase the availability and timeliness of applications.

Enterprise solutions in particular have been able to establish themselves thanks to the greater user convenience provided by professional support and the fulfillment of important security requirements.

For your applications, SMASER AG now offers an “Enterprise Container Cloud” based on Red Hat Openshift. We can operate your software containers for you and thus provide your IT applications to your end customers.
For the realization, operation and optimization of your IT services, we offer a scalable, secure and highly available platform, coupled with a methodical approach tailored to your needs and the cloud.
Thanks to SMASER’s CCSP status, container platforms for your IT service are now available for this purpose in addition to the existing building blocks.

Let’s advance the digitization of your company together! You would like to learn more?
Contact You us and we will find the best solution for your application.

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